Thursday, June 17, 2010

OMG, a new blog post.

Is it just me or are phrases such as OMG becoming part of the English language? WTF, I'm not going to say I don't use them because I most certainly do, but all of a sudden they are popping up in random weird places like...WORK! I get LOL all the time over work email (and that means laugh out loud people, not lots of love, but that is a whole different story) and I think it is quite strange. Believe me I am not the most professional person in the world but I do my best to not swear and to not use silly acronyms that I save for my personal life. I also like to save the drama for my mama, but evidently no one else at work feels that way either. I'm starting to feel like I'm the most normal person that I work with and that my friends is scary! A bit of advice then is if you send me an email with something like "OMG that was totally my fault, lol" I will not take you seriously in the workplace.
p.s. did you guys miss me? I will continue to post if I get some comments up in here!

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