Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some Recent Observations/Questions

1. How come when you need to sleep, and have taken NyQuil do you get woken up in the way too early morning by a sound that can only be explained by someone or something tossing around dumpsters like they were in the strong man competition?
2. If everyone is always making fun of Ed Hardy shirts, aka Douchecapes, then why are there still people wearing them?
3. Speaking of douches in Ed Hardy shirts, if people are so offended and disgusted by Jon Gosselin why do people keep talking about him and putting him in the news? and why are young women flirting with/sleeping with him?? blows my mind a little bit.
4. I think that Scalpers are the scum of the earth, where do these people come from, why do they have so many tickets and for the last time, no I do not need tickets from you!
5. I am obsessed with the new Green Tea Ginger Ale from Canada Dry. If I didn't still like unsweetened iced tea so much it would be on the top of my favorite things to drink.
6. My favorite alcoholic drink of the moment is Grey Goose on the rocks with fresh squeezed lemons, try it, you won't be disappointed.
7. Today is the first day of fall, that makes me a little sad that the summer is over.
8. Is it necessary for my office-mates computer sounds to be so loud that every time i hear that little noise I think I am getting an email when it's actually his?
9. Why do people in Boston have no escalator etiquette? Right is for standing, left is for walking, learn about it! These people would get eaten alive in NYC!!
10. According to my co-workers I have cute shoes and tiny feet, best compliment I've gotten in weeks.
11. How come sometimes i find the hard sudoku in the metro actually hard and sometimes it's easy? The easy is always easy.
12. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, and by this I mean I'm the old dog and the new trick is my new blackberry, I'm very much confused by it!

I've been working on this post for almost two weeks now, I think i have writers block. So I'm just going to post as is, since I know everyone is anxiously awaiting something or more like, when I tell people to read it they think, "wait, you still have a blog?"

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