Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ready, Aim, Shoot

I may have mentioned in the past my unusual work bathroom situation.  It is a single bathroom that is shared by men and women.  I know some may argue that women have "grosser" bathroom habits than men, and in some cases this is true, but this particular bathroom situation has been eye opening for me.  I walked into the bathroom the other afternoon to find it first smelling like old coffee since someone thought it was a good idea to empty their morning coffee into the bathroom sink and not rinse it out.  Mind you, there is a kitchen about 20 steps away with a sink that would be much more appropriate to dump your coffee into, but don't worry it gets worse.  I notice a small puddle next to the toilet, hmm what could that be.  Then I notice pee on the toilet seat.  There are multiple issues here, first I guess I don't completely understand, but honestly how hard is it to aim into the toilet?  And if you really have a problem, is it so difficult to lift the seat so that you don't get pee on it?  And again if that is too much for you and then you find yourself peeing on the seat, why is it too much time/effort for you to take a paper towel and wipe it up???  I mean c'mon people we are all adults and I don't think that I should be cleaning up after you. 

1 comment:

  1. I counter your male pee aiming question with a female pee aiming question. How come when I lift the toilet seat up, there is pee on the under side of the seat that is now moving around thanks to gravity? When girls sit, is it also unpredictable where the pee will go?

    To answer your initial question, ever go to a carnival and do that shoot the star with the rifle game? Well, you never really know where the first few shots of the rifle will go even if you think you're aiming correctly.
