Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Do You Like Me? Confirm or Deny

When you are a busy lady such as myself, you don't have time for the games and general BS of dating. Although some people may find dating fun and interesting I simply put find it as a means to an end. First dates are one of my least favorite activities. I mean honestly, here is how they can go down.

If it's a set-up (worst first date experience ever) you may not even know what the person looks like (ok who are we kidding you obviously already sufficiently stalked them all over the internets), but worse off is you probably don't know much about them except for the fact that they are single too. Generally I avoid the set up for that reason since for the most part it is one of your loved up couple friends who wants you to meet a single friend and the only reason they want you to get together is because you are both single. Sorry dudes, I'm picky and you being single is not going to make me swoon.

Ok next scenario, say you met this dude at a bar last Friday night. What are they chances that you accurately remember what he looks like? Probably depends on how many scorpion bowls you sucked down before you made out with him in the corner. At the time you obviously liked him enough to give him your digits and he probably texted you (hell would have froze over if he called so we know that didn't happen) and you had nothing better going on so you agreed to meet. You will probably know within 10 seconds of seeing this dude at the restaurant/dive bar that you met up with him at if you like him , i.e. instead of the tall, dark and handsome guy you remember he is actually short, fat and balding.

Then you have say the guy that you know, you know the one that texts you and emails you, maybe he even called you on the phone (GASP!) once or twice. You've certainly flirted, maybe even had an MO sesh or two but you are not really sure if it is going anywhere. This is where I propose to stop the bullshit and just get down to business. It's kind of like the middle school note with the check boxes except for the 21st century you'll send it in a text message.

So the next time that I may actually like someone, watch out boys cuz I'm coming at you with total honesty and I want the same in return. Do you like me too? Please advise asap!


  1. Hey Allisson -

    I liked this post, and find myself captivated by your complexity and cynicism. Your post has given me the courage to speak up. Admittedly, I timidly avoided brut honesty, when, all along, all you wanted was someone who is honest, who doesn’t play games, and who is not intimidated by your intellect, sense of humor, good looks, and juke-box music selection prowess.

    What particularly caught my eye was that in one of your "hypothetical" examples, you admit to making out with a guy who is short, fat and balding. Perhaps a victim of my own physical shortcomings and fear of rejection, I have failed you by not articulating my feelings. But armed with this precedent, I will no longer deprive you of my feelings.

    I like you. Do you like me too?

    Hope to speak soon (not by text).

    Your Soul Mate,

  2. OMG Josh, I was loling at my desk! thanks for perking up my humpday (or should it be Steven Seagal lawman day?)
