Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Life

I have always hated the thought of New Year's Resolutions. I was a firm believer of if you want to change something you should do it when you think that you need to change it and not wait for a certain milestone to do so. I have just had a real feeling though this year of starting fresh, and am very excited about 2011. So I have come up with a list of ways that I'm going to improve my life, not necessarily resolutions, just words for me to live by in the new year:

-Fed up at work-starting the job search, slowly and carefully. Looking for a real career here not just another job that I'm going to ultimately hate!
-If you are out on the town and you want some MO, go get some! (Made it happen to start the new year off right!)
-When you are feeling tired, lazy, fat, sick, have a headache or whatever, suck it up and go to yoga!
-If someone or something in your life is making you unhappy or better yet is not making you happy cut them/it out.
-Don't try to change people or make someone out to be something they are not.
-Make more quality time for friends and family.
-Watch less TV, but certainly not less HGTV (love that channel!)
-Get more stuff done on the weekends, as in projects I have been meaning to do for years (mainly finally finishing my dresser.)
-Save for big purchases instead of making impulse buys.
-Be more open to dating and meeting people in general (sadly this may mean less time at the Corner Tavern as I think I need to branch out a bit)
-Write on this blog more!

Although it's a kind of long list, I think that it's reasonable and I will try my best to make it happen. Hopefully I can make the last item happen and then the progress can be seen right here!

Happy New Year Y'all!

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