Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm REALLY lovin' it

I suppose there are some things that can get me really excited like shots of patron or making out, but unless I was starving and really drunk I don't think the site of a McDonald's would be one of them. Yesterday evening I saw a chubby little girl get more excited than I've seen most people when she spotted a McDonald's. She was tugging on her mom's arm and screaming McDonald's, McDonald's and had this look of excitement on her face like this was the greatest thing that could have possibly happened to her at that moment. Ok, so I'm not going to pretend that I never eat there (thanks Katie!) but is there not something wrong with a girl, that is already overweight practically peeing her pants because she sees a McDonald's? Sadly, I don't get as excited about anything as this girl did about the thought of eating something that is just going to make her even more fat. So while the chubby girl, and her skinny mom where eating their cheeseburgers I was sweating my ass off for 90 minutes at yoga. Then I went home and ate 2 slices of pizza, and you know what I got really excited about it! But i can do that because I'm not fat and I'm very active. So perhaps Mom should take her daughter on more walks, that don't involve a McDonald's.

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