Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hubbies, Babies and Sex

You know what really grinds my gears? People's facebook status updates, especially when they involve the word Hubby. Since when did this become the preferred way to refer to your spouse? It might just be one of my least favorite words. Not to say that I don't shorten words sometimes, obvi, but this one just bothers the hell out of me. So basically I don't need to know what you and your hubby are doing every five minutes. I'm waiting for the day when I read the status that says "My hubby and I are trying to get pregnant." You know when people say that they are pretty much announcing that they are having sex all the time. Normally this would be kind of an inappropriate thing to talk about it but when it has to do with babies it's ok? What if I walked around saying I'm really trying to NOT get pregnant right now? And news flash ladies, you plural are never gonna be pregnant together, it's just you carrying that baby!


  1. i fucking hate it when people say hubby - it's this thing that women do b/c they don't understand that calling your husband that is not only a)not cute, but b)something that actually makes them never want to have sex with you ever again. i'm just sayin'...unless he's got mommy issues, no self-respecting guy actually finds that to be cute, or hot, or whatever. it's cutsie...and once you're cutsie, weeellll you can just kiss your sex life good bye- i'm just sayin' ;) oh, and you know how i feel about the "we're trying" bullshit - i think i would prefer it if the fb status read "i'm having sex all of the time with my husband." like, lets just be real, talk like human beings, like adults...can we pleeease!

  2. Wow, I must have really spoken to you on this one, your comment is almost as long as my post!

  3. My fav is when people's pictures are their kids. Last time I checked your 2 year old is not on the face and isn't that a pedophile's field day?!!??!
    I've actually been able to follow a friend's status as she found her fiance cheating on her in their bed, breaking up, mourning, and then getting back together. clASSy.

  4. Would you be happier if their FB pic was this:
