Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I AM.....Shasta Fierce!

I don’t like you, except of course if you are my friend and we spend time together, since I certainly wouldn’t be doing that if I didn’t. In that case, you are safe and I won’t be ripping you apart on here . For everyone else, yeah I don’t like you and here are some ways that aren’t going to make me like you,
-Do not ask me out over e-mail. Clearly you are doing this because you think I’m going to say no (which I probably am) and can’t deal with the rejection to your face. You know what, be a man and ask me out in person!
-If I’m stretching of just lying down before yoga class, don’t talk to me. I really don’t want to explain to you about my natural flexibility and how long I’ve been practicing. You and I both know that I’m good at yoga, there is no need to talk about it.
-When I’m waiting for or on the bus and I see you are wearing a name tag, guess what I know you are mormon and I don’t want to talk to you, even if you think I look like I need to talk to someone, that’s just what my face looks like! P.S. I also don’t believe in God.
-If I look tired, don’t say “Hey, You really look tired today” or something of that nature. Is that supposed to make me feel better??
-Do not ever say “How can a girl like you not have a boyfriend?” Guess what I don’t have a boyfriend because I don’t want one and I certainly don’t want you to be my boyfriend!
Regardless of these fine examples I’m really kind of booked up right now as far as time and friends go, so I’m not really accepting any new friend applications anyway. Better luck next time :)

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