Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guess What, You’re Not That Important

After having a very frustrating afternoon at work of not being able to get anything finished since I needed to rely on other people (perfect example of if you want something done right, do it yourself) I walked passed a woman’s cube and noticed a bumper sticker on the wall that says, “Welcome to”. WTF?? This woman in particular works in Accounts Payable, which means she has a glorified data entry job where she punches invoices into the system all day. Excuse me, does that job sound very stressful to anyone?? You’re not saving lives here, that’s what the doctors do. You just need to make sure that their supplies get paid for and you can’t even get that done. So stop your whining and get back to work!


  1. Hmmm.... is this womman Loretta LaRoche? If you're like me, and you actually went to, you'll know what I mean.

  2. you know that Loretta LaRoche looks like one classy, stress-free lady!

  3. she's got that hand-on-hip pose down pretty well! plus, stressed is just desserts spelled backwards, and who doesn't like desserts??
